Sunday, September 12, 2010

xulexplorer -- getting your xml gui on

So in my never ending, what project should I start this week,
even though I haven't finished the other twenty I've started
in the last year, I decided to look at Mozilla's xulrunner
and xul interface for a cross platform program.

Having built a never completed help extension for Thunderbird
a few years back, I was familiar with the general concepts.
I looked around to see if anyone had created any kind of GUI
based application that would help create the xul files needed
for an xulrunner based application. I found XULExplorer. It's
still a young program, but had a wizard feature that would
set up your basic application structure and needed files.
Unfortunately the latest version has an bug introduced by
going from a flat file structure to using jar files to hold
it's internal files (see bug This broke the application build wizard.

A quick fix to get this feature working on your local copy of the application:
  1. move to the xulexplorer/chrome/ directory
  2. extract en-US/ directory structure from the en-US.jar file
    (using your favorite archive manager) to the chrome/ directory.
    (you should have an en-US/ directory in the chrome directory when finished extracting.)
  3. edit the en-US.manifest file in the chrome/ directory to read:
    locale explorer en-US file:en-US/
Now I have two projects to hack for the price of one. Fix issues I find with XULExplorer as I work on my application -- an even better guarantee that I won't finish anything.